ISO certification for Software Publishing and applicable standards

To achieve ISO certification for a software publishing organization, several ISO standards may be relevant, depending on the specific needs and objectives of your organization. This blog outline some of the key ISO standards that are typically applicable to the software publishing industry:

  • ISO/IEC 27001 - Information Security Management: This standard helps organizations manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details, or information entrusted by third parties. For a software publishing company, ensuring the security of software and data is crucial, especially if you are handling sensitive customer data.

  • ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems: This standard is centered around quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach, and continual improvement. Implementing ISO 9001 can help ensure that customers consistently receive high-quality software and services.

  • ISO/IEC 20000-1 - IT Service Management: This standard specifies requirements for an organization to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve a service management system (SMS). It is particularly relevant for organizations in the IT sector, including software publishers, as it focuses on the effective delivery of IT services.

  • ISO/IEC 25010 - Systems and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE): This standard provides a comprehensive model for software quality requirements and evaluation. It covers aspects such as functionality, performance, compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability of software products.

  • ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE - Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination): This standard is a framework for assessing the maturity and capability of software processes. It is beneficial for software publishers in terms of process improvement, risk management, and ensuring the quality and efficiency of software development processes.

  • ISO 26262 - Road Vehicles - Functional Safety: If your software is intended for automotive applications, ISO 26262 may apply. It addresses the needs for an automotive-specific international standard that focuses on safety critical components.

  • ISO/IEC 29110 - Software Engineering - Lifecycle Profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs): If your organization is a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME), this standard provides guidelines tailored to the needs of VSEs in the software industry. It focuses on project management and software implementation processes.

Click here to find out more applicable standards to your industry

To determine which standards are most applicable to your software publishing organization, you should consider the nature of your software products, your target markets, and any specific regulatory or customer requirements you need to meet. Implementing these standards can not only help in achieving certification but also enhance overall operational efficiency, product quality, and customer satisfaction.

For assistance with obtaining ISO certification tailored to your organization's specific needs in the software publishing sector, you can reach out to us at Pacific Certifications at We can guide you through the process of selecting appropriate standards, conducting audits, and ensuring compliance for certification.

Requirements & benefits of ISO certification of Software Publishing

ISO certification for Software Publishing involves complying with specific international standards that focus on various aspects of business and product quality. The requirements and benefits of ISO certification can significantly impact how a software publishing company operates and is perceived in the market.

Requirements for ISO Certification in Software Publishing

  1. Compliance with Relevant Standards: As mentioned earlier, standards such as ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 20000-1, ISO/IEC 25010, ISO/IEC 15504, ISO 26262, and ISO/IEC 29110 are relevant. Compliance involves setting up systems and processes that meet the specific criteria outlined in these standards.

  2. Documentation: Establishing comprehensive documentation of processes, policies, and procedures is crucial. This includes quality management systems, security protocols, software development life cycles, and customer service guidelines.

  3. Quality Management System (QMS): Implementing a QMS (such as one compliant with ISO 9001) is vital. This system helps manage and improve core business processes.

  4. Information Security Management System (ISMS): For ISO/IEC 27001, establishing an ISMS is required to protect data integrity, confidentiality, and availability.

  5. Process Evaluation and Improvement: Regularly evaluating and improving business and development processes to adhere to the ISO standards.

  6. Employee Training and Engagement: Ensuring all staff are adequately trained and understand their roles in compliance with the ISO standards.

  7. Internal Audits and Reviews: Conducting regular internal audits to ensure ongoing compliance and to prepare for external audits.

  8. Management Review and Commitment: Active involvement and review by the top management to ensure the alignment of the ISO standards with the business objectives.

Benefits of ISO Certification for Software Publishing

  1. Enhanced Quality and Reliability: ISO standards help in establishing a framework for delivering high-quality, reliable software products.

  2. Improved Customer Satisfaction: By adhering to international quality standards, software publishers can meet or exceed customer expectations, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  3. Market Differentiation and Credibility: ISO certification can serve as a powerful marketing tool, setting a company apart from competitors and enhancing its reputation.

  4. Operational Efficiency: The processes and systems put in place for ISO compliance can lead to more efficient, streamlined operations with reduced waste and errors.

  5. Risk Management: Standards like ISO/IEC 27001 focus on risk management, particularly regarding information security, which is critical in the software industry.

  6. Global Recognition: ISO certifications are recognized worldwide, opening up international markets and opportunities for business expansion.

  7. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements: ISO standards often align with legal and regulatory requirements, helping companies maintain compliance with various laws and regulations.

  8. Continuous Improvement: ISO standards encourage continuous improvement, ensuring that a company keeps evolving and staying ahead in terms of quality and performance.

For specific guidance on the requirements and process for ISO certification in software publishing, we can provide detailed insights and support, tailored to your organization's unique needs. You can contact us at for expert assistance in navigating the certification process.

Pacific Certifications is accredited by ABIS, in case you need support with ISO certification for your business, please contact us at or +91-8595603096.


Read more: ISO certification for Newspaper Publishing and applicable standards